If you’re like me, you thought that’s what parenting would be most of the time: delighting in the moment and having loads of fun with your offspring who is dressed in attractive and seasonally appropriate clothing—SCREEECH! That’s the sound of the needle getting yanked off the record player, and yes, I just totally dated myself.
I mean, sure, you knew there would be bumps in the road, but WHOA IT’S LIKE POTHOLE CITY HERE!
Like you, I wanted to ENJOY being a parent and do my best to raise a healthy, kind, and resourceful citizen who’d still want to hang out with me in 20 years. Should be a piece of cake, right?
Emotional fits
Epic meltdowns
(Let’s not point fingers at parent or child, because really we’re all suffering here.)
I knew all the ways I WANTED to interact with my child, but keeping my cool and pulling off the parenting approach I believed in was tougher than I thought. I found myself behaving in ways that I’d sworn I wouldn’t, and that’s when I knew I needed to find better tools and more support. It turns out it’s both the good and bad news: OUR KIDS ARE ALWAYS WATCHING US!
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